elon musk autocratic leadership style

Some people aren't used to an environment where excellence is expected.". He really gives his all hundred percent to what he does. They expect their people to follow through. . Like any other leader, his approach has its upsides and downsidesand theres plenty to be learned from the way he leads the charge for his employees and numerous companies, including the following lessons: Elon Musk is by no means a perfect leader, and really, theres no such thing. For example, is there a particular boundary those in your industry say cant be crossed? In the same Business Insider article, another former team member explained that even when there were disagreements with Musk, he was right 90 percent of the time. Musk is directly going against both of these factors by taking away all flexibility and forcing a minimum of 40-hours-per-week.. Elon Musk, founder of Boring, SpaceX and Tesla, is a visionary, as was Steve Jobs, co-founder of Apple. He believes in personal transformation and hard work. Our expert coaches have designed hyper-effective programs that will help. Its just that I thought they were important enough to do anyway., Relevant F4S motivations: achievement, goal orientation, future, present. A good leader will align them to fit the employee and provide the necessary resources to fulfil those objectives. Musk is a mastermind and thus discerns that, it values him while he pays attention to what his critics, customers, observers, and followers have articulated. If you dont do your chores the company wont succeed No task is too menial Elon Musk. Its a tough lesson., Relevant F4S motivations: activity, automatic, initiation. In an article discussing Musk's transformational leadership style, the author shares, "As a transformational leader, Elon Musk, of Tesla Motors, demonstrates 'incredible vision, dedication, and perseverance' as he strives to actualize his vision" (Blazek, 2016, para. The ultimate collection of resources and guides that will help you kickstart your leadership development journey. Instead, he has an autocratic or transformational way of leadership. Find out more about his most endearing leadership qualities and how to use them to your advantage below. When he faces a familiar problem or challenge, he simply writes down his assumptions about them. De-risk investment, identify high performing founders & teams, identify blind spots, benchmark against successful founders. So, from the discussion above, it is clearly stated that how Elon Musk is so passionate for his work. Examples of Autocratic Leaders Many empire builders and leading figures throughout history have been autocratic leadersincluding Genghis Khan and Margaret Thatcher however, we'll provide two more recent examples of autocratic leadership: Richard Nixon and Elon Musk. Sessions only take 5-15 minutes. Elon Musk's leadership style is transformational since it focuses on innovation and achieving large scale goals. Would you want that? He also described himself to the interviewer as a nano-manager. A former employee backed up this sentiment in a Business Insider article, explaining his Tesla management style was one that showed control freak tendencies. Hes been said to sleep on a couch in the Tesla factory and work 80 to 90 hours each week (sometimes even more). It can be evaluated that the transformational leadership and transactional leadership executed by Elon musk both positively impact the performance of the employees and the organisation (Yauney, 2018). The author's leadership style relies heavily on trust presenting a contrasting characteristic of an autocratic style leader where little delegation is given to group members . Our programs were designed by world-renowned coaches. There are plenty of legends and tall tales about Musks obsessive personality and workaholic tendencies. Gece Kitapl. The idea of empowerment in its employees makes it easier to be more innovative. All of his qualities and traits cannot be described in words. If you're trying to keep employees loyal and engaged, you probably shouldn't copy Musk's playbook. Elon Musk leads Tesla and SpaceX, the space company that wants to take you to Mars to join a colony . If we evaluate his leadership quality and style then we will see very least leader in the world can actually successfully run different Styles of business. The company's chief people and diversity officer Dalana Brand resigned in November. He has a reputation as being equal parts genius and workaholic, and employees are quick to admit that working for him is simultaneously challenging and rewarding. He always used to say, Failure is an option here. Until May 2017, he has an estimated net worth of $15.2 billion which made him 80th richest person in the world. Elon Musk is a young and prosperous leader who has his leadership style. The setting of objectives makes the goals easy to follow as a benchmark that can be measured against Stretch goals is essential for accomplishing them. He believes theres a better way to do everything, and he sets his sights on constant improvement. Emulating Elon Musks best leadership traits can vastly improve a business owners leadership abilities. I dont create companies for the sake of creating companies, but to get things done.. . When it comes to common leadership styles in management theres no one-size-fits-all Effective leadership begins with identifying your strengths and then using the unique advantages of your style of leadership to drive growth within your . . International Journal of Business, Management and Social Research, 6(2), pp.367-374. At the heart of Musks businesses is hard work that achieves a meaningful purpose. These issues create toxic workplaces, contribute to low employee retention rates, and sink budgets due to constant turnover. Top editors give you the stories you want delivered right to your inbox each weekday. He has the skill of finding the talent by putting the employees in roles that are natural to their behavioral attributes. Autocratic management style. Bill Gates. Elon Musk's leadership style is a mix of challenges, growth, vision innovation, and more. He also has the emotional intelligence to bring the best out of his team, and we can attribute all this to his vast success. Examples of transformational leaders include Elon Musk, Oprah Winfrey, and Jeff Bezos. Learn more in our Cookie Policy. They help their employees in every field they need to excel in. When you think about the defined leadership styles, Elon Musks style is best defined as transformational. He loves to innovate products that are far from ordinary and engage in tasks which not many people try to venture into. He is the founder and CEO of SpaceX; co-founder and CEO of Tesla Inc.; founder and CEO of Neuralink; co-founder and chairman of SolarCity; chairman of OpenAl and last but not the list, founder of PayPal. Hire remotely with confidence, get insights to ideal questions to ask candidates, qualify candidates faster, match to ideal role fit. Even during these dark times, he still demonstrated impeccable leadership skills that motivated his team to keep pushing forward. Elon Musk, (born June 28, 1971, Pretoria, South Africa), South African-born American entrepreneur who cofounded the electronic-payment firm PayPal and formed SpaceX, maker of launch vehicles and spacecraft. He has the skill to monitor the problems and to identify a step by step solution. The success of an organisation is dependent on the leader. Nevertheless, Musk isnt a ruthless, task-oriented dictatorhes obsessed with delivering excellent results. Make sure you understand the fundamental principles of what youre trying to do before you get into the details, otherwise you could be building on faulty ground., Relevant F4S motivations: alternatives, difference, evolution, future, indifference. "There's no doubt engagement is taking a big hit right now," said Lars Schmidt, who runs the executive-search and advisory firm Amplify Talent. He's already 10 steps ahead of you," a former manager at Tesla told Business Insider. According to him, this special philosophy is maintaining unique standards of excellence and clearing predictable paths of progress. . Write out what you think you know about the challenge in front of you. Youll be expected to think bigand quickly turn those ideas into action. Since graduating with her Master of Arts in 2015, Over the past decade, Elon Musk, founder of SpaceX and CEO Tesla Motors, has sealed his status as one of the worlds greatest entrepreneurs. Big picture thinking is key in communication, leadership, decision making and situations where you need to get the gist of things quickly. In 2018, Wired released an expos about the cutthroat work environment at Tesla. Musk's reign at Twitter, which began when he took ownership of the platform in late October, has been chaotic. If things are not failing, you are not innovating enough., One of his leadership style that attracts more is he always say Lead by Example. If that doesnt keep him busy enough, hes also founded lesser-known companies like Neuralink (a neurotechnology company) and The Boring Company (focused on infrastructure and tunnels for transportation). Some of the famous ones will include Adolf Hitler, Vladimir Putin, Kim Jong-un, Elon Musk from Tesla, and even the previous president of United StatesDonald Trump. By clicking Sign up, you agree to receive marketing emails from Insider VIDEO 01:02. Musk, who rarely sticks to a leadership script, doesn't seem intent on winning employees' trust or providing clarity about the company's future. Tesla has been one of the most innovative companies in the world in recent times due to the operations that it has incorporated and came up with new products for the betterment of society. To say Musk is innovative would be an understatement. Elon Musk's Leadership Style Free Essay. Elon Musks transformational, autocratic, and transactional leadership style goes to show hes in business to produce results, not make friends. He is so passionate about his work. Keywords: Leadership, Elon Musk, United States LEADERSHIP . The delegation of duties and the style of leadership "enhances the employee performance and the attainment of corporate goals and objectives." It makes some people want to dig their heels into the ground and tackle the worlds greatest problems with the same level of tenacity. the trunk and big branches, before you get into the leaves/details or there is nothing for them to hang on to.. Something went wrong while submitting the form. The answer is simple: Musk set his sights on the nearly impossible. Get to the core of the problem by using the 5 Whys method developed by Sakichi Toyoda, the founder of Toyota Industries. For example, Elon Musk uses the autocratic leadership style, labeling himself as a perfectionist and " nano-manager ." Elon Musk is a business mogul, engineer and inventor, best known for founding and leading SpaceX (a company that aims to lower the costs of building rockets with the ultimate goal of multi-planetary colonization by humans) and Tesla Motors (a company that produces electric cars). If you find yourself leading this way, I'd suggest you consider how your style is impacting the morale of your team. Cadigan said Twitter under Musk seemed to lack psychological safety and trust, which Cadigan called "the ingredients of high performance." Famous Leader Example: Elon Musk, CEO of SpaceX and Tesla. There is a function-based hierarchy, and there is centralisation as well as divisions. Failure is an option here, hes quoted as saying. Their ability to bounce back from setbacks sets a precedent for the employees who can hen motivate themselves. Hire a project manager who coordinates with everyone on the team so work gets finished on time. Elon Musks tactics are diametrically opposed to what evidenced-based research findings and expert opinions recommend. "He's highly intelligent. It includes four tactics: Vision: he showed this strategy by replacing fossil fuels by green energy and discovering space on Mars. Odumeru, J. and Ogbonna, I., 2013. Schedule out reasonable completion dates for all work. Even those who have stayed are likely to remain distracted. Yet his ability to be transparent, funny and personally engaged,. There are advantages too. Starting and kicking things off are the trademarks of great leaders. There is full disclosure of his goals. In this article we're going to take a look at 7 different types of leadership styles, so you can discover which one is right for you and your business. When discussing his childhood, Elon Musk tells Rolling Stone, I was raised by books. I have OCD on product-related issues, he said in an interview with the Wall Street Journal. There is a certain level of autonomy within the organisation. Participative Leadership 4. To be the Best Source of Business Strategy & Analysis. But even so, being too bold can result in bad leadership. It also taught me courage to believe in my beliefs, and that it is not about success or failure, but that we give it a go, a try, The only way to move ahead is to work out the next action and then schedule a time to do it!, This program helped me kickstart my journey to wellbeing. 1st ed. Study work that establishes a foundational understanding of the subject. His another philosophy is being a social architect. Sign up for notifications from Insider! His methods are applied by young businessmen who are eager to . The company's measurement of its employee performance is based on its productivity and the number of cars produced or the number of inquiries catered to and complaints handled. Whats the point? If things are not failing, you are not innovating enough., Elon Musk quote: Work like hell. Musk is such a confident leader that he invests his own money on his business projects. There is no question that Elon Musk has a lot on his plate as the head of Tesla, SpaceX, Neuralink and The Boring Company. This is 90 percent of the solution, as hiring wrong can cost you so much." Elon Musk noted hiring the right people as his most important advice for up-and-coming leaders. The Tesla CEO and the founder of SpaceX are creative examples of autocratic leadership. Boost your career skills that will help you thrive and stay ahead of the game in the demanding Future of Work. Elon Musks leadership style is transformational since it focuses on innovation and achieving large scale goals. There is technological excellence, and this gives Tesla a competitive edge. [This] improves the odds of success. Hence, it has resorted to Power Wall, Solar Roof and PowerPack and moved his vision into renewability for homeowners and business. Autocratic Leadership 3. He has a vision of a world that is no longer reliant on fossil fuels, is maximizing their use of green energy, and is exploring space . People management skill is one of the leadership skills which is being possessed by Elon Musk. In many ways, hes exhilarating and motivating. Therefore, Elon Musk used both the leadership styles that include the transformational and transactional styles (Odumeru and Ogbonna, 2013). Increase team harmony, happiness, speed and cohesion so everyone can get into flow state and do their best work. Psychologically it can be a salve to soothe an uneasy conscience. Become a better leader by embracing the experience and genius within others. A Transformational . Musk continually encourages people to strive for better results. Their mindset is fixed on their own goals for the company. Musk's leadership behaviors coincide with each of Bennis and Nanus' four strategies typically used by transformational leaders (1985, in Northouse, 2013). . Elon Musk has a drive that cannot be unseen. Steve Black at Topia points out that this is a dangerous path for other companies to follow. In total, there are seven different ones: democratic leadership, autocratic leadership, transformational leadership, transactional leadership, laissez-faire leadership, charismatic leadership, and servant leadership. Is what youve written an assumption or a universal truth? Why do you want to live? Autocratic leaders want sole authority in their companies and rule with an iron fist, while transactional leaders can be cold and daunting because they view work as a business transaction. A transformational leader inspires his employees. Therefore, this can be analysed that Elon musk has a strong team and has innovative ideas that he executes through his transformational leadership style and sometimes the transactional leadership style. Many former and current employees admit that working for Musk is rigorous and demanding, yet many point to it as a formative experience in their careers. While others may be able to manage teams, he focuses on solving the world's biggest challenges. Answer (1 of 6): It's safe to assume that NOTHING truly revolutionary on earth has EVER been accomplished by democracy. 2 African Journal of Emerging Issues (AJOEI). Ordering employees to work 84-hour weeks isn't illegal, said Ayesha Whyte, an HR executive and employment attorney at the Virginia law firm Dixon Whyte. The employees working in the organisation are directed to achieve the goals at the priority in return for some incentives and rewards. Instead of sitting around and philosophizing about how to change the world, they outline and execute a strategy that makes their vision a reality. Reverse engineer the outcomes of your potential solutions to make the best choice. You have to have all the ingredients in the right proportion. Moreover, he always insists that employees will lose their talent if they are being forced into something they are not. Subscribe to weekly insights & inspiration: Oops! Most Twitter employees would be able to get another job relatively easily. I mean you just have to put in 80 to 100 hour weeks every week. However, theres no denying that Elon Musk deserves a spot near the top of that list. Musks grandiose view and ambitious goals can be intimidating, but awe-inspiring all the same.Most of us cant conceive these things working; he cant conceive it failing. Awareness of your and others emotions is at the heart of influencing, reading people, impactful communication, deep relating and authentic connection at work and in life. The autocratic management style is the polar opposite of the Democratic or Laissez-Faire leadership style. Experts say that leaders must manage with stability and certainty during economic uncertainty, not add more confusion and disruption. Its not a recipe for happiness.. He believes there's a better way to do everything, and he sets his sights on constant improvement. He is the founder of Tesla Motors. Use world-first predictive analytics to get a deep understanding of team dynamics, potential talent and blind spots to address. Secondly, he breaks down the problem into its fundamental principles. Musk has used the kind of oppressive leadership tactics that caused disruption in the post-pandemic workplacethe opposite of what experts call for to remedy workplace havoc and heal the mental health challenges that the pandemic caused. Since buying Twitter, Elon Musk has conducted mass layoffs and reportedly ordered 84-hour workweeks. Let's take a look into each of them in detail. The information is not limited to the management, and there is an interconnectedness within the departments that paints a bigger picture than just a top-down approach. There is full disclosure of his goals throughout the organisation, and he makes his learning environment known. Now that you have a high-level overview of how Musk prefers to run his teams and companies, lets dig into the details. Most of the leaders used to say to get their jobs done somehow or they used to say it is good enough even though their works are not being done properly. He has an uncanny ability to think of solutions. You can update your choices at any time in your settings. Autocratic leaders want sole authority in their companies and rule with an iron fist, while transactional leaders can be cold and daunting because they view work as a business transaction. Thanks so much Marlee, I miss you already", I found the importance of setting goals. Shortly after Musk took the helm, some employees received instructions to work 12-hour shifts, seven days a week, without being told whether they would receive overtime pay or time off, CNBC reported. Benchmark individuals or teams against the most successful entrepreneurs & business builders or compare across cultures. Thereby, he has a competitive edge as there are very few barriers to entry in this industry. The self-made tactics billionaire Elon Musk uses to motivate his teams. Steve Black, chief strategy officer of Topia, asserts that the fully in-office policy is a dangerous talent strategy for other companies to implement. Elon Musk doesnt hire just to fill in the positions in his company rather he hires the right person in the first time. He always used to criticize the poor performance. For example, the Tesla management style is centered around meeting company goals. And some of them seem happy to swing even harder than he does. Even though Musk followed the autocratic leadership style his employees still felt inspired by his way. Elon Musk is a South African born Canadian-American business magnate who was born June 28, 1971. . Elon Musk exemplifies the creative side of autocratic leadership. 1. In the process, hes gained an almost cult-like following with almost seven times the entire population of New York City following his every word on Twitter. In this point, his two quotations are very popular. "His actions are showing followership from the existing team isn't something he's seeking right now," Cadigan said, adding that Musk might be saying, "I need to do a full reset here because this is just not going the way I want" in terms of leadership and business strategy. Increase your comfort and use of abstract and strategic thinking to gain a broader perspective for yourself and your team. Trusting the employee with responsibility is another trick he has up his sleeve. . Tesla CEO Elon Musk is a self-described "nano-manager," as he told The Wall Street Journal in 2015, but his leadership style comes at a high cost to his business. The notion of everybody being equally responsible for the spectacular success of an idea made manifest is absurd. In that case, this weakness in situational analysis can be a source of concern as not every situation can be the same and expected to have the same outcome. Autocratic leadership. A focus on goals is especially helpful for inspiring others, impactful communication, maintaining focus over time, and aligning teams with clarity and purpose. Thereby, delegation is a necessity when it comes to this leadership. Feedback helps find solutions What people think about you and your company plays a vital role in its success ratio. LinkedIn and 3rd parties use essential and non-essential cookies to provide, secure, analyze and improve our Services, and (except on the iOS app) to show you relevant ads (including professional and job ads) on and off LinkedIn. What inspires you? Otherwise, its not., There have to be reasons that you get up in the morning and you want to live. Period, said Jim Cantrell, the first engineer at SpaceX. Show team members how to take ownership of mistakes and pivot away from setbacks. He demands excellence because it is what drives transformation. In this, the focus will be on Tesla and its founder Elon Musk. Discuss the importance of failure and how it leads to progress, growth, and innovation. Explore, develop or strengthen your emotional intelligence (EQ). Elon Musk, one of the most creative leaders of our time, is widely seen as a visionary. Elon Musks leadership style, transformational leadership, focuses on creating real positive change in the world. Elon Musks response to this project is a high-speed railway known as Hyperloop, which would transport passengers from Los Angeles to San Francisco in 30 minutes, that is 800 miles per hour. Reed Hastings, the chief executive of Netflix, praised Mr. Musk at a New York Times DealBook conference late last month, calling him "the bravest, most creative person on the planet.". Experts say Elon Musk's iron-fisted Twitter. Therein lies the danger, he cautions and warns organizations, Should these brands follow Musk's example, they will not be able to attract and retain enough top talent for a fully in-office mandate to be a valid strategy. Programs are designed by world-renowned coaches & delivered by our incredible (AI-powered) Coach Marlee. 1. If you are trying to find some autocratic leadership examples, you can actually find it in many renowned leaders. Hes founded some of the most innovative companies in the world, including X.com (which later became PayPal), SpaceX, and Tesla Motors. Elon Musk doesn't always follow one leadership style. Articulating a powerful vision is one of his leadership skill that also made him a successful leader. While some of his ideas are unattainable, he has the ability to get people excited about his ambitions, projects, and plans. Tesla CEO and co-founder Elon Musk is a controversial figure. Elon Musk is considered one of the most influential leaders in the contemporary world. Bureaucratic Bureaucratic leaders believe that organizations operate best within: Formal developed structures Policies Strict procedures Transactional Without any announcement, he named himself Twitter's CEO on internal company profiles. If a motorist were driving the wrong way on a one-way street, pedestrians would flag him down. But Musk might want to root out people who don't support him. Examples of Autocratic Leadership. Online ISSN: 2663-9335, Vol (3), Issue 2 . At first, he identifies and defines the assumptions. Few more of his leadership traits are given below: Elon Musk has his own leadership philosophy. There are further divisions in this structure. Therefore, in today's world, there needs to be for the employee to be "externally motivated. Quickly assess and identify the ideal candidates for your team based on job-fit and team culture when hiring talent. A learning culture is implemented where change is embraced, and there is training to cover up the shortcomings of the employees. Speed is encouraged, and this moving fast keeps them updated with the global challenges. . Vroom's theory can also emphasise this in being successful by having the right type of access to machinery and tools." Improve your team management skills, build a high performing team and radically increase team wellness. This reminds me of a quote I once heard, "Make a decision and then make it right.". Super awesome experience that you definitely got to try!, What an awesome way to get better at collaborating with my teammates! Transformation leadership is all about developing new ways to process the operations of the business. (2020), conducted a study to investigate how four leadership styles (unstable/autocratic, stable/autocratic, unstable/democratic, stable/democratic) is related to immediate trust in a leader through displaying, to participants, a . Impact of leadership on organisational performance. But conscious leaders take the opposite route. [Online] Yourbusiness.azcentral.com. In certain situation, autocratic style could be the best approach but Leadership Styles (2015) asserted that autocratic leadership style should not be used when staff becomes tense, fearful, or resentful; expect to have their opinions heard; there is low staff morale, high turnover and absenteeism and work stoppage. He has big ideas and wants to unite his team around his (sometimes outrageous) vision and objectives. He has a unique way of thinking about problems. Be on Tesla and SpaceX, the space company that wants to unite his team around (. For homeowners and business an idea made manifest is absurd certain level autonomy... Awesome experience that you have a high-level overview of how Musk prefers run! 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elon musk autocratic leadership style