harry potter fanfiction harry stops hiding his intelligence drarry

Everyone is dead and if he has to die as well, he will take great joy in doing so. The chosen one begins to worry there is nothing left to save him. On his terms. Leaning to the left, Harry peers around the edge of the mirror, smirk widening as the shadowy figure of his Defence teachers steps completely out of his hiding place, walking around the pillar and towards the small child. with his decision finialized, harry says goodbye to his loved ones. And Neville has to learn the whimsical ways of a certain Little Moon. Stop, Harry commanded, deciding to see if he could give Snape an aneurysm. i'm just really disorganized and sometimes forget to update, but i promise i'm working on it, and will update on my chaotic timeline :). Serpensortia! Malfoy cried, and a large and certainly venomous snake poured out from his wand. Its currently 3am and im jotting this down so i dont forget this idea. Harry Potter n'est pas celui auquel on s'attend. Thread recommendations using linksub(thread_id)! Harry can't cope, especially when his group of peers is sent back to Hogwarts to finish their interrupted Seventh Year. Remus is at his wit's end and Sirius gets a chance to actually live up to his title as Harry's dogfather. tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson", 1. Frankly, I suspect that snakes once were on the permitted pets list. Harry sighed. The stranger said. :You do what you need to in order to survive. Instead of having James Potter as his idol, Lily Potter turns out to be a much better influence. Severus Snape was definitely shocked when he found the boy that fateful evening. Ding, Minerva said, a sly grin on her face. The problem was, she didn't very much like the story, and the story sure as hell didn't like her one wit. . This work could have adult content. The forces of the universe continually put forth valiant efforts to keep them apart, but with a love typically only written about in fairytales, Harry and Draco came out on top. orDraco isn't a raging Meany and that apparently has to change everything. Harry rather felt that it was because the man was jealous that he couldn't call Dumbledore out on his bullshit, being employed by him and all. "That was a very informative speech, young Harry Potter. --------------This is my first fic ever, so I'd love feedback and ideas on where I should take this. That is until Tom Riddle started paying attention. Lockhart looked entirely bemused, and he thought Snape might be holding back a laugh. Or, a story in which Harry Potter is a sassy little cinnamon roll who regains the family he always wanted, wraps the Avengers around his finger, and lives up to his Marauding legacy while facing down the biggest magical threat the world has ever seen with enough drama and sarcasm to make both his fathers proud. A chance meetingor is it a setup?leads to the start of a relationship filled with buttery baked goods, sweet smelling flowers, and hedgehogs.~, A chronological 28-chapter fic based on the 28 prompts of the H/D Candy Hearts Fest **1 chapter update for every day of February**. What about the golden child, how would the world and war play out with the boy who lived, and the Malfoys little prince being allied instead of at each other's throats? Snape pursed his mouth. To his surprise, Harry's eyes harden and darken, before they quickly change back into indifference. Crossposted to AO3 and FF.net. thus begins the exchange of quite a few letters, and the slide of the golden trio (+ possibly Fred and George) to the so-called dark side. The next thing I knew, I ran away as far as I can from them. Skull did not know regret. When Harry Met Sally could the story be changed? Of course Harry Potter would be the exception. "Deal," Potter said, though his unfriendly tone soured Merula's mood. Being a Slytherin is one thing. The snake rose to inspect him. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply". But my point still stands. So the cards are going to be comparable to the sorting hat in their intelligence. Four years later, the Boy-Who-Lived goes to Hogwarts and is sorted into Slytherin alongside his brother in all but blood, Theodore Nott Jr. Harry Potter had spent his whole life wishing and dreaming for a family to call his own, and he finally got it in the form of a pair of twins, a person with a giant green thumb, and a spy/potions-professor. Lilys clothing, from her entire life growing up, but it was free and technically her freaky nephews anyway Harry barely makes it out of Privet Drive alive after his disastrous 4th year. Sadly, fighting in a war doesn't help a person's life expectancy any. Like magic, a trunk full of clothing was delivered! Can Draco trust the Golden boy? His family taught him to survive and to wear a mask. Last modified on Thu 22 Feb 2018 07.59 EST. If Dumbledore had an inkling of Harry's true power and intelligence, the man would have long ago attempted some kind of dark spell to allow him to gain total . Being a Slytherin is one thing. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Ding, Harry said. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Harry Potter's life has never been normal. what if Hermione was devoted to Harry like Bellatrix was to Dark Lord, what if she took Harry away from his family to push him beyond what anyone thought was possible. Of course not, but there's a reason he got in Slytherin. (Good old fashioned lover boy by Queen was the thing that kept me going for this fict). I wonder if we can sway him to our side.. Features: a Harry Potter making a ridiculous amount of terrible decisions; an exhausted Remus Lupin that did NOT sign up for this but by god will he be there for Harry anyways; a Severus Snape who didn't actually think this year could be worse then last year and is proven wrong in a big way; Dumbledore being awful; and Harry's snake Merlin, who just wants to play quidditch ONE TIME. The public is warned that Black is armed and extremely dangerous. Or: Harry is Ciel reincarnated. Raised by Sirius Black and sorted in to Slytherin, Harry finds his way under the guidance and watchful gaze of his mentor and Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, one Tom Marvolo Riddle.". Cedric doesn't die in the graveyard at the end of fourth year, instead he is knocked out and Harry meets good! You really are a fool. Lockhart looked gobsmacked and he could almosthear Hermiones gasp of horror. Or: Harry is Ciel reincarnated. I eat rodents., Harry! Hermione cried. A lot of people probably don't like Quidditch and think the rules make no sense, so they have Harry not like Quidditch either. Alive thanks only to a timely surprise visit by one fugitive godfather and a mischievous pair of twins. As his friends and acquaintances vow their lives to each other, he watches quietly from the sidelines. Apparently, his father is alive and maybe not his dad since he was the one who gave birth to him, and can't forget that he's actually an Asgardian god. Until he did. Good boy.. This is a collection of drabbles for my AU where Maglor adopts Harri. Severitus | Severus Snape is Harry Potter's Parent. , " ", . It was rather easy to make way through the crowds with a snake wrapped around him. Tags will update as Story progresses. I will try to find it once I am not on mobile. When Harry Potter was five years old, a Dark Lord known as Voldemort murdered his parents in cold blood, and sent her son, Tom Riddle, to kill him. 3.5M 106K 52. Severus privately agreed, which worried him slightly. Rating M pour Meutres et par prcaution. In the summer before his sixth year, a very depressed and mildly suicidal Harry is diagnosed with leukemia. or what if Mis figg did here job and actually looked after harry? End of Term Hes just clairvoyant af. When he finaly go to Hogwarts, this place his parents couldn't stop talking about, he is determined to make friends and live the best teenage years . In the twelve years after the war, Harry attends sixteen weddings. He filled the other man in on the rest of the conversation. Cursed with the angels gift, an 'I don't care and I quit' attitude and disillusioned to who his real friends are, the fates have changed. Featuring Ron becoming an eBay enthusiast, Hermione refusing marriage altogether, Gilderoy Lockhart getting married in a fever dream of glitter and product placement, and Rita Skeeter spitting a steady stream of venom at Harry and Draco's every move. Dudley was lazy; Harry had to do all the work around the house. To mention a few.. Be the brother of the boy-who-lived suck, but it sucks even more that strange things happen to you as if it wasn't enough that your parents love more your brother than you, and you were the supposed squib of the family isn't it? Are you well and keeping up with your studies?. And Severus might not make it to see these boys graduate when his heart kept giving out seeing his very-Slytherin godson repeat his own history and go chasing after a green-eyed, red-haired Gryffindor. Draco has found out the perfect way to tell Harry Potter he loathes him: through sending him a fancy bouquet. This harry doesn't realize that the way the Dursleys treat him is considered abuse and not how children should be treated. Ill be keeping her. Malfoy was gaping. [4]: https://github.com/tusing/reddit-ffn-bot/ "Fork me on GitHub" [5]: https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=tusing "The maintainer". But her parents had taken a secret to their graves. 7. Tom leans closer, resting his chin on his hands as he waits for an answer. He summoned James Potter and Sirius Black with his patronus. memory was returned. Dudley was stupid; Harry was smart but had to hide his intelligence. With their parteners, they decided to raise a children together. It's the introduction part of (hopefully) series. Not to mention, Harry has a second dad who is also alive, is a famous muggle billionaire and superhero that didn't know about him until his dad's (mum's? "Stop calling me that! A Muggleborn another. Three years later, those who haven't finished their studies are finally allowed to come back from their break from Hogwarts. Harry almost makes it out of the classroom when Snape stops him and questions why Harry stopped the student or just how he knew to stop the student. Of course, nothing is easy for Harry who is stuck mute until another wizard can preform the countercurse but there is no secret society of wizards/witches/wixen for Harry use to get rid of the curse in the new world that he was taken to so will he end up mute for the rest of his life? Harry is forced to tell the truth or lose someone he is growing to love, and neither is an easy offer. He spent years pretending to be the wizarding world's saviour but now he's had enough. Harry's first potions class was supposed to be fun. Meanwhile, Draco Malfoy is having difficulty breathing. Lees tarantula is venomous, and I havent heard a word of complaint against it. Everyone have changed ever since the War. Harry stepped forward confidently and walked up to the podium, ignoring Draco's 'you didn't tell me you were the Harry Potter!' Harry sat on the stool and let the hat be put on his head, feeling nervous. carrier's?) People seemed to be afraid of it, for some reason. With the stakes high, they find out the truth about the peop. Harry leaves Hogwarts to spend Yule with his family. Its Harry Potter x Oc trelawney x luna lovegood they are a triad., NOT COMPLETE IM TRYING TO FIGURE OUT HOW TO PUT MORE CHAPTER I REPEAT NOT FINISHEDForgive my writing I am American - meaning we suck at everything. Harry rather felt that it was because the man was jealous that he couldnt call Dumbledore out on his bullshit, being employed by him and all. Revenge is a dish best served cold. When, after that fateful Halloween night, the wrong Potter twin is hailed the Boy Who Lived, how will Harry's life turn out? Imperio, Malfoy murmured and Harrys eyes glazed over, a feeling of rightness descending over him, making him sway. After failing to cheat Bruce Wayne on a deal for drills, Vernon Dursley takes his frustrations out on Harry Potter, by abandoning him in Gotham City. Enter them here!" Lets just leave this in a messy style yeah? From the Dursleys because they hit him, Ron and Hermione because they're his friends and he doesn't want to upset them, the school because it's his secret weapon against the evil masses, whatever. There was a soft sound of shuffling of feet. Harry Potter n'est pas celui auquel on s'attend. The public is warned that Black is armed and extremely dangerous. Of course, Dudley was stupid and lazy. Since Christmas of his first year Harry has been receiving gifts from an anonymous person four times a year. . Harry Potter is not what we expect. It doesn't matter because you're gonna get on with your life and you'll never have to see me again and you can go and have forty fucking ginger babies and maybe one day years from now I'll have finally gotten over you and we forget this ever happened. Ah yes, very good, Dumbledore said with a twinkle in his eye. Plus, he even made some friends in the form of the textbook definition of a bookworm and a seer. "We didn't say anything," Ron said, but I pointed my gun at him. Harry Potter the boy who lived, survived the war against Voldemort and all his trials afterwards, he didn't let his experiences change him and he remained the . A very powerful one at that. Not that Harry will ever notice, given he's trying to simply survive at Hogwarts. "Arrogant little twerp," Severus muttered once Potter had left. It can't be treated with magic, and, being a cancer of the blood, it runs through someone else's veins as well someone who took Harry's blood. The Snap Occurs Harry Potter is not what we expect. Bane of all rodents. Lucius smiled. Both her parents had been alive, her godfather was free, and her family was perfect. TRIGGER WARNING FOR EXTREMELY MESSED UP RELATIONSHIPS! That night, Snape vowed to always protect the boy, as was his duty as Alpha. Shes female. Snapes mouth twitched. what if he befriended harry potter out of his own want or need? One's 16th birthday is usually a cause for celebration, a moment of joy. there are some dickwad ghost members that have been lurking around recently. Harry and Draco never buy each other presents for Valentine's Day, so of course Draco is suspicious when Harry presents him with a Valentine's card. After a bout of accidental magic when Harry is six, Vernon goes too far. Careful Planetos the Renaissance is here. La vengeance est un plat qui se mange froid. But Draco is planning more than schoolyard pranks this time. What if when Voldemort when to kill the potters, he sent his hunting dog first? So instead of seeing a scruffy, most-likely-a-muggleborn boy standing beside him in Madam Malkin's before their first year, Draco only has eyes for the scarlet haired, green-eyed creature who just walked into his life and instead of an enemy, he finds a reason to be better than he'd been raised to be. A crash came from the kitchen as a small boy on the cusp of being a teenager dropped the plate hed been drying. Furthermore, both boys have a little secret that they unknowingly share, living in St Mungo's hospital. Dont you worry your pea sized brain. Severus swept away and into his office and threw a handful of floo powder on the fire. 37 Stories. His family taught him to survive and to wear a mask. Been alive, her godfather was free, and I havent heard a word of complaint against.. Course not, but I pointed my gun at him abuse and not children. 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harry potter fanfiction harry stops hiding his intelligence drarry