kinetic power plant hoax

A 100% Legit Alternative to Kinetic Power System to Cut Energy Bills? @magpwr: While I think you are on the right track, your system isn't quite perfect. Papers about such an advanced and little-known approach are also published in established science journals, see e.g. This blown out water is therefore no longer located in the tank after the injection process but in the surrounding water (where else it should have gone?). KPP is a breakthrough energy solution that produces affordable and clean energy. And each guide is full of pictures and videos so you not only read exactly what to do. gain of usable energy, see Ref. (kinetic power plant) will never work In cooperation with ROSCH holding the GAIA-Society is offering workshops in which a so-called kinetic power plant can be built up with an alleged continuous net power output of 5 - 6 kW. or individual block is collapsed or expanded. non-members (guests) and it is essential for the site software to work correctly. Is there someone in your association who understands how this works? Summary: The Kinetic Power System gives promises that are based on false scientific information and explanations, and you cannot generate unlimited electricity or cut your bill by up to 70% or anywhere near that with the machine you will build with it. KPP use the Archimedes principle lifting force, to give a new generation of Rosch generator a controlled torque. The claims about generating electricity out of nothing in the Kinetic Power System video are no where near the truth. The payback period for the system makes it worth the investment, even if you pay the cost of the system in advance. You can see it best in the bucket - to fill the bucket with air means, to lift the water contained in the bucket to the surface. Critics are tried to be intimidated at once. This website uses Google Analytics, a web analysis service of Google for the statistical evaluation of visitor accesses. The electric generator produced electricity not only for electrical loads but also for the electrically-operated system components such as the compressor and control unit. Note: Why has the following sentence been added: "It does not reflect the characteristics of the mobile functional model, which was presented among other things in an easily transportable version The power plants are pneumatic systems. It is virtually built by any person to effectively aid you in reducing your total energy use at home. Where does the energy excess come from? Yes, and should I be wrong with my statement that the power plant does not work, then I'll sit down in the car, go to Switzerland and will apologize personally to you, Mr. Gerharz. The power plants from Rosch utilize the gravitational field of the This is the most important part of the question. - For comparison, a VW Golf 7 diesel with 105 hp produces a torque of 250 Nm on the drive shaft! The positive reviews you will find online are all repeating the same sales pitch of the Kinetic Power System, with no evidence that any of them has actually built the flywheel generator and succeeded with getting free energy from it. This is just a trick, or, if it is meant seriously, a lie -- and upon visiting the site I tend to think, that it is meant seriously. Physics Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for active researchers, academics and students of physics. then this corresponds to such a system. An industrial size power plant at a publicly known and visitable customer site does not yet exist. [8] and the home page of this website. and 500 kW power plant can be viewed and inspected. All I can say is that you cannot generate unlimited energy from a flywheel generator without a constant mechanical energy source that rotates it continuously. Here is the full text of my e-mail to Rosch and GAIA from 2014-08-01: I heard about your website through the newsletter of the Association GAIA. Ki-TECH KPP Animation of a Kinetic Power Plant.Save The Planet AG (IP owner) and Ki-TECH Global AS (distribution partner) is introducing the emission-free Kinetic power plant (KPP). Do you know the patent number for this gigantic achievement? is responsible for removing "current session only" cookies and those that have expired; if your browser is Where the energy comes from remains unanswered on your site. Has Microsoft lowered its Windows 11 eligibility criteria? We met the management of Rosch AG as a competent and reputable partner. system is not closed, then where is the "hole" through which energy enters, which is then available as an eternal energy source??? Their engineer teams did not detect indications for a hidden external power supply. Aha, the air cools down! provides the necessary technical and economic security in order to produce small systems for our GAIA-project, that are technically sophisticated and durable. Get it now for $49. than that of Mr. Gerharz. the buoyancy. PS: I have to date received no reply from you. these cookies we know about are named "rememberme", "NID", "PREF" and "PP_TOS_ACK" Four of However, their collaboration did not work well and finally Rosch and GAIA have The ball is now with you. And the energy needed for this is exactly the amount that is gained by The cookie is evaluated on load the desired page and then deleted. The spokesperson in the video says that more than 37,400 families are taking advantage of the Kinetic Power System and generating electricity for free, yet, he couldnt manage to get any testimonial from any of them. Once it is understood one has an idea how a self-running system can work concretely, at least at the macroscopic scale. also work if I close down and seal the space in which it is housed - so if I bring it in a hermetically sealed system. This system would clearly be a perpetual motion machine. [11-14]. On the other hand it is also vital to appreciate the work of the Rosch and GAIA staff members and what they have achieved. At the top the air is released and the buckets go back to the bottom of the cylinder. Heres How 1,000s of US Homeowners Get Almost $0 Bills! These cookies are set to records the state for a Opac-Fader block. converted between various forms of energy (e.g. supplied from somewhere. This small website was created so that possible participants in this workshop are able to better assess risks that they incur when they get involved in this project. It really tears me off It should be mentioned that the internal design of the electromagnetic generators of the power plants from Rosch deviates from a standard type design. We have designed our linear hydro-electric power plant for slow flowing and shallow waters. Scalable The KPP can be scalable as large as customer requires from 1 MW upwards. @Qmechanic: ah, I followed the link, no it's not duplicate! Finally, you write even under point 4 that "firstly it always needs a functioning base available before it can be made available to the public for further The KPP is a breakthrough energy solution that produces cheap and clean energy.See more: our knowledge, we are making an invaluable contribution to solving energy problems!Our revolutionary Kinetic Power Plant (KPP) technology is capable to be installed at any location in the world - as may be required and to provide the required electrical energy without the use and consumption of fossil fuels.The result thereof is 100% green and thus clean energy. Three pictures of a former 60 kW pilot plant are presented on the left [7g]. the global engineering, procurment, and construction company Ki-TECH for the KPP technology and the German company E-Cat Deutschland GmbH . Kinetic Power Plants (KPP) are available in: 1 MW and 5 MW modules. Several powerful lamps and infrared heaters served as electrical loads with a total power of 4,8 kW. What I Like about The Kinetic Power System, 5 Reasons I Dont Recommend The Kinetic Power System. 44630 Guadalajara - Jalisco. transportable version of 2m height at the congress in Munich. Distribution partners are e.g. is very risky in my opinion. Meanwhile, however, we can The pilot plant requires an electric input power of 1.6 kW and generates an electric output of 11.8 kW. IS THIS REALLY THAT WAY? What are some tools or methods I can purchase to trace a water leak? Maybe you are just a bona fide person with little understanding of physics, which is totally convinced that ROSCH is the ultimate Quite recently the company Rosch has developed a new kind of power plant that supposedly utilizes the buoyancy effect to generate electricity. self-running devices imply at the subatomic level an extraction of usable energy from a hitherto untapped and everywhere available But that is nowhere explained on your site. Join for free! confident in himself that he had solved the biggest problem of mankind (apart from the general problem stupidity), namely the energy problem, should act a bit more relaxed Well, your technology has been "tested and confirmed by various renowned testing and engineering companies". Through a compressor, air is blown into the upturned buckets which decreases their density and allows them to rise. Maybe. The energy needed for this corresponds exactly to that amount of energy which can be recovered from the air-filled container through buoyancy. Why does the impeller of a torque converter sit behind the turbine? Only somebody who has to hide something responds like this. Here is my immediate answer, sent an hour later to Rosch and GAIA: You really let the cat out of the bag quickly! This breakthrough innovation defied old principles of physics and was therefore difficult to comprehend and communicate. Gestern: 275 demonstration model at the congress in Bregenz. The demonstration model You will then have only one excuse less. I close it as a, regardless, there is a net upward force on the one side of the conveyer belt applying torque to the generator, yes, there is. But one thing I can guarantee you (! Because the Any real evidence that it is a motor? (I know I am repeating myself ), You also write on your homepage: at all? [6]. So, and at the end, dear GAIA members, dear friends of Free Energy, dear people of Rosch, I offer you publicly and officially a BET. generator, an electrically-operated compressor, and a control unit. Ask for the patent of the company ROSCH! And here you have another problem: The pump will heat the air when compressing it to the desired pressure! Besides the ecological aspect of our kinetic power plants, they are also very economical: In the long term, conversion to kinetic power plants costs considerably less than the continued use of power from the usual sources. the stool. But something totally new, which has never happened before that It is used to restore the vertical screen position Energetically you have done nothing else than to bring a since the (3- or 4-dimensional) world in which we live in is accurately weighed and the conservation of energy is valid. This is due to a clear contradiction to the law of conservation of energy, which says that energy cannot be destroyed or created, but rather, it is transformed from one form to another. Since water is 832 times denser than air . (If this is more related to engineering feel free to migrate the question). And altruistic well, Do you know, dear reader, only a single power plant, which was built by Rosch? In a video of GAIA, showing a prototype or a model of the lift power plant, one or more persons I do not know. knowledge and understanding. After a short initial supply of electric power from a battery the An often asked question is from where the generated energy comes from. It comprises a water column which contains a chain drive, fillable containers which are attached at the chain drive, and a valve system which can fill the containers with air. Please get in touch for more information from tests and facts on the KPP system. MEXICO SA DE CV. Deutschland GmbH. The power plant, if it would work, it should probably These zero-emission power Here is my short explanation of the physics behind the model. energy from an hitherto untapped and everywhere available energy form Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Brsseler Strae 15 plant. 11 - 14. That is dishonest!! The author from the start 2400 Euro. Meanwhile, however, it is relocated to an undisclosed location. English-language brochures about the 200 kW as well as 5, 40, and 100 MW power plants: as well as . The registration form for the workshop includes a wonderful last paragraph (on page 2) Dear workshop participants: You are taken on a ride after all the tricks!! Troisdorf Fon: YOUR MEMBERS! Kinetic Power Plant - 100% Groene Stroom De Rosch Kinetic Power Plant (KPP) De Rosch Kinetic Power Plant (KPP) maakt in combinatie met andere technieken gebruik van drijfvermogen volgens de Wet van Archimedes bij het opwekken van duurzame elektriciteit. You ask 2400 Euro from any member who wants to set up such a plant at home already from the beginning. And if you then will have built a number of plants with a height of 5 meters, then you will notice that you come to an efficiency of 98%. This is what drives the generator. Based on simple mechanical principles and state of the art generator and compressor with technology from Save The Planet AG (IP owner). A video from the disassembling is available in Ref. These cookies are set to records the expand/collapse state for a CBT Navigator block content. Image from Ref. However, theres a solution if you cant pay for building the system. In cooperation with ROSCH holding the GAIA-Society 1.) This is the same as a reversed machine, pumping water upwards and pouring it into something that gets rotated. We did it anyway. The plug-in does the "water-to-Kinetic 7" conversion. provides the necessary technical and economic security in order to produce small systems for our GAIA-project, that are technically sophisticated and durable.". and are stored in Google's cache on your computer. "A halogen lamp with 50 W as 4.) You have been warned, and afterwards you have no more good excuse, if the project fails. glass. and to proclaim this as working perfectly and technically mature, that is negligence towards your members !! termed as so-called conservative force fields. The KPP is available in two standard sizes: 1 MW and 5 MW. Neither is there a patent for such a type of power plant (for perpetual motion no patents are granted), nor is there a proven working prototype. Yes, I believe you at once, that you are able to successfully connect a lamp. We regret and apologies for any inconvenience this causes to members and guests who are accessing our web site A fraud needs an intention to cheat to be present. energy balance: Energy received from the plant minus energy supplied to the plant is less than zero. You might also consider geothermal energy. "free energy" and to develop devices that can make everyone self-sufficient. Therefore Rosch favors in general the large industrial size power plants. 1. rev2023.3.1.43269. It generates up to 70,000 kWh electricity annually using the kinetic energy found in rivers and streams. The result thereof is 100 percent green, and thus clean energy. This fixation prevents an overturning of the heavy steel tube in case of a malfunction of the chain drive. [7] Reports in the NET Journal (ISSN This way the system circulates energy while producing excess power. You can only generate electricity through a flywheel generator by give constant energy to it in order to move it in the first place, through some mechanical force, like a river from example. permanently produces significantly more energy than it needs to be supplied. If I, for example, put it in a windowless basement room and lock the door, I have not accused your business of fraud. Heute: 199 The detail page of the project with the name "Measurements taken" states literally: In order to ensure correct statements regarding the power plant capacity under operating conditions, a measurement protocol of a current 12 kW prototype at ROSCH in Serbia was created. Turn-Key Construction. info[at], Online: 1 This question you have still not answered. And then it runs for a time "in standalone mode" left alone until its kinetic energy is converted into heat through friction. Our revolutionary Kinetic Power Plant (KPP) technology is capable to be installed at any location in the world - as may be required - and to provide the required electrical energy without the use and consumption of fossil fuels. is explained so everybody can understand why one should spend 2400 euros for a pig in a poke. Ask yourself, get informed asking people who can judge such a thing. leaflet. You write only generally published in established science journals, see e.g. It is not currently possible for us to interrogate your browser and obtain geographic Type Thrust Kinetic Power Plant Thrust Kinetic Power Plant Thrust Kinetic Power Plant Nominal Power 5 MW 40 MW 100 MW Power by Stroke 500 kW 500 kW 500 kW Number of Strokes 10 + 4 80 +32 200 + 80 Number of Generators 14 112 280 Average Production 43 200 MWh 345 600 MWh 864 000 MWh Technical Specifications . Why does Jesus turn to the Father to forgive in Luke 23:34? +49 2241 253660 0 Fax +49 2241 253660 80 Mail GAIA demands for a participation in the workshop a deposit of 2,400 euros and the commitment to pay the total cost of 12,000 euros afterwards. Public viewing dates were available in the period from 25 April 2015 to 6 May 2015, Another public viewing event took place on 13 May 2015. and forces of nature. energy is produced than is supplied? On the one hand it is important to ask critical questions. THIS(!) not doing this, you should report the matter to your browser's authors. energy production." ROSCH INNOVATIONS. Several scientists who are working at the Rosch The modules are scalable and can be customized to fit any demanded capacity. On that day the 5 kW pilot plant was switched off and disassembled. These cookies are set to records the id for the current poll in a multiple Poll block. 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