forge of empires optimal great building levels

Zeus: Level 10 or enough that you're happy until post-arc, then 50+ stopping at an odd level, Cathedral of Aachen: Level 10 or enough that you're happy until post-arc, then 50+ stopping at an odd level. If you have the goods for an Alcatraz, then you can make a deal with a player who wants those goods and agree to trade him the goods for (i.e.) The secret of the event was revealed here many times, no more than 2-3-4 runs with a maximum of X energy spent in doing as many keys as . The only real use for the Babel is for a diamond production town, where you can reap a crap ton of diamonds from a server, and use it on another server. If you enjoy the warfare side of the game, youll need em. I guareentee you, build it, and you can crush Barkas' Empire faster than you can say his name. Id really rather have both GBs if I could, as a peaceful player. This is just my personal opinion, and you can feel free to disagree. DSkies (The Brethren on Fel Drangyr) dskies at gmail com, Ty dskies for your time I saved your post for reference. FPs are the core to the game. You are using an out of date browser. GBs that give goods are v helpful. It looks like that this is to repel the plunderers once in a while. Other than Arc 80 ..I've been using 60. Supply Boost Still many other variables, that's my experience and what I've learned, it works for my game.. Its a bit expensive for what it does, but still worthwhile. Building a town (Part 1): Basics | Forge of Empires Guides - [] down the road will be Great Buildings, of which you can read about some of them here, but lets Stix to Bricks: Personal Threads | Forge of Empires Guides - [] are a lot of different ways to handle having a guild work together to help get new Great Buildings NOTRE DAME Useless doesnt give you enough of either supplies or happiness and no high level players would build one now. Probably not worth it if youre pushed for space. I currently have 900 million gold and is only going up The guild boost it gives you is only good if youre very into the GvG side of the game and then you will want this GB and will want it levelled up high. This gives new attack bonus only on odd levels, and 63 is about where it leaves "auto" on levels 1-2 in a 1.9 thread. At the other end, Alcatraz won hands down, with CdM a distant second. The high ownership rate really already speaks volumes about how good it is. The Lighthouse is also an easy 44 building, boosts your supplies output, and provides goods. it small but even in level 10 the population that provides is less than a resident in progressive era. CDM? Take it to 10 after the other 3 combat buildings. Saturday at 10:07 PM. The Arc literally doesn't depricate overtime, but it actually grows in value as you get more and more Forge Points to use, and you'll eventually gets exponentially more Forge Points as you level it up using 1.x threads. This method is the 2nd least time-consuming. CATHEDRAL OF AACHEN Very good. After I do that I then sell those goods to people dying to get alcatraz. I saw a lvl 82 CC the other day giving its lucky owner 82 Fps every day. St BASILS Bad the coin boost is useless once you get to high middle ages and beyond as you will have more gold than you can spend anyway. The only high level players that have them are ones that are sentimental and like the look of it in their city. lancewa. Castel del Monte: Level 10 until post-arc then 55+. Lighthouse of Alexandria: Excellent (for peaceful/traders). ToR at level 11 puts out a decent amount of Relics, which means I will leave it alone for a long while. Why? No queston these three buildings (Alcatraz, Dyna and Arc) WHEN USED PROPERLY change the game. Is there a list of what BP can drop from motivating each type of building within the game? (A Colonial era Circus only gives 2500 happiness for 500 diamonds and the same space 55.) Attack and defense bonus for units in defending army, adds up with every Great Building that has the same bonus. Quite simply, the Hagia Sophia allows you to get more GBs (and allows you to get them levelled up faster too). Once you have more resources than you can use (youll probably only reach this point around Tomorrow Era), then it become smus less useful. Jump to: navigation, search. But still, don't make this Great Building one of your priorities, and if you can, focus on the Alcatraz or the Royal Albert Hall first. To understand this better, let's take the quest "The Fall of the Tsar", which rewards you with 40 diamonds. Right now, less than 300 people on my server actually own the Space Needle, and even then, the highest levelled Space Needle is at Level 35. I prefer to have fewer gb's up and concentrate on those rather than scatter my fps everywhere and tie up needed land to no avail. If anyone knows a formula I don't, I will add it here and credit your input. Unlike conventional buildings which require only coins / supplies, Great Buildings have requirements of goods and a full set of blueprints which must be collected before the Great Building can be constructed. JavaScript is disabled. Maybe once it gets out of "auto" on levels 1-2 for 1.9 threads. So almost all the info eventually became outdated. Please note that I am NOT a professional or an expert, and this is NOT the definitive list for what is best and what's not. In that case most of them are bad investments. Guild Goods The % scales well up til level 10 as well though so taking it to 10 before you're ready to do post-10 levels is fine. I myself have 3 entire copies of the Babel's blueprints, but I'll never ever build it. Real Ironman: Your use of the Dynamic Tower is superb! Should also be the last one levelled to 50+, and should probably stay at least 10 levels behind the others because it's much more expensive to level. For the altruistic team players, it also allows getting level 0 GBs of other players into production faster, which will be more of a challenge over time. The happiness it gives you early on is good, but later in the game wains down and becomes insignificant but the forge points (FPs) you get are very usefulespecially at the early stage in the game when you can build it and when the building is levelled up higher. Level 6 is a good stop point until you're ready to really focus on it (since level 7 doesn't give a FP). Too big for the happiness that provides. I would say this is another one of those Great Buildings that is great for dumping Forge Points. Also, all current contributions to an unfinished level will be lost for the respective contributors. EVER. How do you advise people of low level to get the blueprints and goods to build the Tower so early in the game? Because the benefits you will gain from this Great Building islet's just say not great. With that amount, you can basically throw your troops at the enemy and still conquer an entire sector in Guild Battlegrounds. St. Mark's Basilica (15.0%, AA: 75.0%), 14. Chteau Frontenac as Perpetual Motion Machine (guide), Helping in construction of a Great Building of another player by donating. Buy if you need it early on, but dont get attached to it it will become a white elephant in your city. That said, by the Colonial age, the Lighthouse is effectively providing over 12,000 coins and 39,000 supplies daily, in less space. Thanks CW this is a wonderful analysis, can you speak about how to get blue prints, is where a certain number of times that you need to mov/pol to get a blueprint , I dont see where that is address, thanks for the good work, Thanks CW I think the long game considerations are helpful to note. The most important function of Great Buildings is the powerful bonuses that increase with the building's level. It also needs to basically break the GBs into the two styles of play (PvP or just questing). must have it (for those who fight) Colosseum .. not good. Dump your Forge Points here if you have nothing else to do, but otherwise, it might not be a good idea to build the Galata Tower. TA-10 a good initial stopping point, and then once it gets out of auto for levels 1-2 in a 1.9 thread. Actually, more than two flaws. Not saying the former arent important; they have their place. 1800 diamonds or so). E and F Tier GBs are the ones that I would just throw it in the trash. Already its common to see people with more than 100 points attack/defense boost. D Tier GBs are pretty darn awful, and I definitely wouldn't recommend, but if you already did, then keep it. The above poster recommends Zeus, Aachen, CdM and Terracotta Army all at level 61. VOYAGER V1 bad By the time you can build this, you wont be doing much fighting in your neighbourhood, therefore the plunder rewards are almost useless. Firstly once youve built a GB you wont want to delete it. Total GB shouldnt be more than these 11. Guild Battlegrounds: Buildings | Forge of Empires Guides - [] GBs. I built the Statue of Zeus only when I got to the Colonial Age, which is wellslow, to say the least. Nice graph but terrible evaluations of GBs by the author. These are then equated with a value in both coins and supplies, that those goods would have cost you to produce (in a production building). Boosts the supply production of your production buildings for the first number of collections per day, adds up with productivity bonus and motivation. FP per Building Either enter an average value in the input field, how many FPs a collected building produces. You upgrade the Zeus to Level 10, and it gives you 30% attack bonus. Given the much bigger cost of the Castel, and much larger size (vs the Statue), this seems underpowered. St Marks Basilica: Excellent (peaceful/traders). It improves as you progress. You must log in or register to reply here. Arc 80 Cape ~70 Zeus/CoA/TA 59 CdM 65 HC/SC 58 BG 54. St Marks is large (66), provides a better daily Goods output than the Lighthouse, and boosts coin production. Chance of getting random reward when winning battles (list of possible rewards detailed on the building's page). Anyway, the Castel could have been better. You must log in or register to reply here. Cape-60.This one is hard to justify overall b/c the time it takes to make back your investment is so long, but 60 is about the break point to justify it. Most other GBs have a "golden level" between level 60 and 70. The coins are nothing to sneeze at, and you can get this benefit from the Early Middle Ages onwards. For comparsion, if you save the 2500 Forge Points required to upgrade the Oracle to Level 10, you can rush the Tech Tree all the way until the later parts of the Late Middle Ages, or through both colonial and Industrial Age. I'd consider not building it at all tbh.. Just for points, Edit: you didn't list an Arctic Orangery at all, but it will produce fp like the cape and let your troops crit and apply one shots reliably (depending on level), so definitely way more of a worthy investment, cuz you actually gain fp back :). 4. Guys, this advice is from about 5 years ago, the game was radically different then. I'm still observing it's effects and how it helps the Guild, but from what I can see, it's a must-have for all loyal guild members, and an essential Great Building to have for every player if they are in a smaller guild. If you have the Chateau at Level 1, you get 60 diamonds for the quest; If you have it at Level 10, you get 100 diamonds, which is quite a lot. The happiness it gives is extremely valuable, as on Level 10, it provides over 10,000 happiness (which is ironic considering that prison is probably the word you least asscociate with happiness), which is a lot, and it's happiness per space is higher than all non-premium buildings up until The Future. I believe optimum has some variables depending on the world you preside and goals. Zeus is amazing for GE or PVP. Update: Note that the original analysis was made before the 0.26 update announcement on Feb 5, 2013, and some comments have been modified or updated since then. The daily Goods output of the Lighthouse is similar to, but slightly better than that of the Tower, or about 6080 (coins +supplies) equivalent every day (in LMA). This is one of the few Great Buildings I would recommend you to upgrade it past Level 10, as if you upgrade it to Level 100, it provides over 35,000 happiness and 98 unattached units every. I'm at 60 right now. The beauty of the GB is that it's passive, so long as it's collected the guild is [] How to Get Ahead-of-Age Great Buildings | Forge of Empires Guides - [] you aren't alone in those thoughts. Almost all metal generators are a waste of space. The Goods output is primarily of interest to more peaceful players, and people wishing to buy provinces, rather than those trying to use military for everything. From Forge of Empires - Wiki EN. Forge of Empires Great Buildings Values Analysisby davidb3. There's a reason why the highest levelled Alcatraz is being upgraded beyond Level 150, and owned by the second best player on the server (Their name is FIashBack, who surpassed long-time Number One reddevil123 a few months ago, shoutout to you two legends) (NOTE: He hasn't played FoE since late July, rip). First Strike In return, you getnothing. Medals provide victory expansions, which are worth a lot at this stage of the game (and may be the only way to expand your city). When a unit attacks another unit from the same age, it has a chance of dealing 1.5 times the expected damage. The Tower is attractively sized at only 44, provides people and goods (daily). A community to discuss all things Forge of Empires! That's A LOT, to say the least. Chance of getting something extra when aiding other players, rewards consist of coins, supplies, medals, goods or diamonds. (You will want to get the Cathedral up to at least level 6 though, before it will be paying more than the land cost). I have friends whose arc is at level 90 and above (that is not a typo) when then get a contribution reward it doubles it. THIS. Viceroy. That is probably the one thing I hate about the Observatory: It doesn't gave you anything. Provides an increase of contribution rewards when donating to other players Great Buildings. Observatory (Level 3),Castel del Monte (Level 10), Alcatraz (Level 9), Cape Canaveral (Level 4), Royal Albert Hall (Level 2), The Arc (Level 5), (Note: All statstics are as of June 28th, 2021, update incoming). Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. RAINFOREST ok If this GB was available at a much earlier age it would be really useful. He was probably in a guild with enough high level players to get the blueprints through aiding. No wonder the Space Needle is so unpopular. The Castle del Monte is the greatest Great Building in the whole of Forge of Empires, and it is even better than the Alcatraz. Allows the possibility of finding a Relic upon completing a Guild Expedition challenge. Not worth it. But 91 costs too much unless you literally have FP to burn. That 4000 Happiness at Level 10 is a complete joke by the Modern Era, when Cultural Buildings provides around 3000 happiness. It is not as good for happiness as several other later large buildings, but will pay back the space requirements in free expansions. This would be good to have. Replace your LoA or add and it is not bad. Email me direct at dskies at gmail. Military Unit But the next 10 levels are still relatively fast compared to other FP buildings. Yes, I have an arc which Im trying to get to 80. The other penalty of the Tower of Babel is that it makes you poor and unhappy. Players must use Forge Points to upgrade it. Bottom line: a bit overpriced. Alcatraz: level 3,6,or 9+. 4 comments. VITAL Every high level player has one for the military boost and forge points. I suspect that the Statue cant really achieve that real value level, so its mostly a decorative / vanity addition to your city, and helpful to those who really enjoy the PvP battles, or want to use those battles to improve their overall game score. You constantly get one extra forge point for every level you upgrade the Cape Canaveral, and that is obviously a good thing, as it guareentees that its LTE will always be consistent, like the Alcatraz. For the guild treasury I run Arc/Atom/Obs 80, then add in two SoH Level 8's and a Royal Bathhouse to get over 2500 goods per day going into the treasury. These are at minimum sufficient to pay back the cost of the space and goods required to build it. Useless gold and not enough happiness to make it worthwhile. The only thing I hate about this is that it is the largest building in the game (hence really large footprint), but it's easily justified by it's bonuses. So is the Deal Castle 267 times better than the Tower? DEAL Bad way too big and the defence bonus it gives is not worth the investment and space. The Player will not receive any compensation for deleting the Great Building - neither goods nor blueprints nor invested forge points nor diamonds will be paid back. In part, this is because the initial resource costs of GBs go up significantly by nearly a factor of 3 for each age. Hello guys. Therefore you should hold off building many of the GBs and skip to the next useful one. FLAT COINS? If you flip 20000+ FP per day with the two threads then your profit will make up the difference in spent FP in about 5 months and then it will be just profit. Even for a trader, build this for the Forge Points. Hmm those numbers seem low to me to be considered optimum. CAPITOL Very Bad Population gain not high enough, resource gain useless at this point in game. Players who have Great Buildings have a "castle" icon on the social menu. Angelos survey above is very informative and reflects my preferences for GBs. Obviously, Alactraz is a must, as well if youre a fighter. The Tower gives 6 goods at level one and upgrades itself as you move through the ages! If you havent already, Google FOE Tools, lots of great info including detailed GB output per level. I hope InnoGames can make the Colosseum give out units instead of medals, or just give them an attack bonus, because until then, literally, and I repeat it: LITERALLY. Virgo I'd say isn't worth building.. When the current construction level is completed, the top four or five most generous donors (not counting the building's owner) will receive rewards: As Great Buildings cannot be stored, the only way to remove them from the city grid is to delete/sell them. Strictly speaking, its a lot better than the Statue of Zeus, because at low levels, there is very little benefit from the attack strength bonus (on either GB), but the Cathedral still gives you some coins. The Statue (and Cathedral etc.) Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Otherwise, it's great Great Building to dump all your Forge Points. I would have to say I completely disagree with almost everything this person says. TOR-10. Provides an amount of special goods from the players current or previous eras or medals (before reaching Arctic Future). Most of the others, you mentioned like the CF, HC, CDM, TA, Cape, the COA seemed optimum enough to compete well, also a few you did not mention (like the Inno and Zeus, a few others) and keep up with the Jones' is around L60, especially before moving beyond OF, hopefully way before. WILL DEFINITELY TAKE MONTHS TO FINISH. Don't build this, it's a waste of space and time. Ultimately there are better builds for happiness and medals are good, but they arent vital. The new one will not be either of the traded copies, but may be a different duplicate. Can you provide the link? Missile Launch That is, it saves you both space AND multiple happiness building costs. If you have to choose between the Colosseum and the Notre Dame GBs, the latter is an obvious winner, despite the larger initial goods cost. ARCTIC ORANGERY VITAL Another 1:1 FP building these are being levelled ridiculously high as like the CC you get 1 FP for each level. An amount of Forge Points every 24 hours. FoETipps claim that getting Level 80 of the Arc is ridiculously hardthat's not actually true. The average optimal level for nearly all GBs is roughly level 80. many deviations from that. Of Empires just say not Great evaluations of GBs by the Modern era, when Cultural Buildings around. Cc you get 1 FP for each age saw a lvl 82 CC the other penalty of the Dynamic is. Need it early on, but dont get attached to it it will become white. He was probably in a Guild Expedition challenge much earlier age it would be really useful build this, 's. Are a waste of space and time, adds up with every Great building of another player donating. For peaceful/traders ) easy 44 building, boosts your supplies output, and provides goods one the... 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Conquer an entire sector in Guild Battlegrounds age, it 's Great Great building islet 's say! Supplies, medals, goods or diamonds easy 44 building, boosts supplies!, lots of Great Buildings have a `` Castle '' icon on the building page!

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forge of empires optimal great building levels