Map Riddle: I drink the blood of the Earth, and the trees fear my roar, yet a man may hold me in his hands. Does that count? 30~59 | 60~89 | 90~119 | 120~149 150~179 | 180~209 | 210~239 | 240~269 270~299 | 300~329 | 330~359 | 360~389 What the hell does half this shit even mean? Door op Alles accepteren te klikken, gaat u ermee akkoord dat Yahoo en onze partners uw persoonlijke informatie zullen verwerken en technologien, zoals cookies zullen gebruiken, om gepersonaliseerde advertenties en inhoud weer te geven, voor het meten van advertenties en inhoud, inzicht in de doelgroep en productontwikkeling. Youre okay. Select the Last door with the electric chair. You will receive an email in your inbox. Icicle Plus, I tend to have this weird loyalty thing for people who save my life. Minos is still killing people. Now you see a door with a golden handle and a door with a silver handle. An FBI agent assures Zoey that Minos will be tracked down. Great. Shes not ready. Yellow Answer: Silence. Tire I am the enemy of flight. Choose either a creature or an object that is neither worn nor carried. Conservation activists have started a chain reaction throughout the city. We need three more numbers. It has a golden tail. As your ideas grow, I shrink. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. The beast of the plains, it goes through the ground, constantly on the search for its next meal. Hole Punch Snow 17 days ago. No! Knife Were making a lot of assumptions. Shes the only one here who saved somebody except for herself, so why not listen to her? In 1985, a trio of British researchers noticed a hole in the ozone layer, our protection against harmful UV rays, over the Antarctic. What am I? They gave me a hug, called me an Uber. Corn Add me to a montage and I can become a different fruit. Tuna Yes, I know, Claire, you do wonderful work. Brave are the fifth. Music Money makes the world turn. What am I? My dad found a silver dollar with one of those once. This ad for Hourglass Bay, it says: Lose yourself in the sand. Yourself is missing an E. Check all the signage. Christmas Stocking Come on. Okay, okay. Problem is, I don't know where to go from there. Come on! You can be as silent as you want. Today he is there to trip you up, And he will torture you tomorrow. Were missing something. 3.) Horse Magic How are you still willing to come with me? JavaScript is disabled. Plant Answer: A leg. Please. Answer: Coal. Zoey finds an alternate route out just as Brianna unlocks the intended exit. Feel free to use content on this page for your website or blog, we only ask that you reference content back to us. More complicated rooms, more ways to gamble on life and death. Never eaten. We need a PIN code. What am I? I'm a breeze or a squall. No, here we go. Pineapple I am something which cannot be seen Penguin When Alice finds that she can't fit through the little door to get into the beautiful garden because she is too big, she noticed that a glass bottle with a paper label that says "DRINK ME" tied around it has magically appeared on the table. No, no, no! I noticed a red one at the other end. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, Press J to jump to the feed. C is the third letter of the alphabet, so. Dont make it worse. I have this riddle that I call The 4 winds. Foot Key Desert Ghost Cupid Mars Okay. If you only need hints about what the symbols represent, check over here. I dont think I can do this. All rights reserved. It has no doors or windows, and if I want to go out I must break through the wall. EDIT added spoiler tags. He was just trying to help! Four numbers. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Can we just have a moment? What am I? Anything that looks like a puzzle or a code. What am I? Okay? Jolly Roger Christmas Tree What am I? Yeah. You know that I lost Mother long before that day. Please remember to spoiler-tag all guesses, like so: Most users:, Using markdown editor or old Reddit: >!spoiler text between these symbols!
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